Hilo Speaker Ignite The Nostalgic by Means of a Knob – Yes, You Miss This Sensation!

Hilo Speaker 6

MOAK Studios are a group of industrial designers who specialize in contemporary furniture and light fixtures. Their enormous spotlight is on reviving the association amongst clients and questions through one of a kind cooperations with every item they make.

Hilo Speaker 6

The Hilo Speaker isn’t intended to be progressive but instead touch the nostalgic, alluding back to the now out-dated method for physically raising and bringing down the speaker volume by methods for a handle.


Feel The Control

Hilo Speaker 3

HILO, influences us to utilize questions again with our hands, to feel them, to comprehend them, to break down them and, for what reason not? to question and show us diverse approaches to communicate with them.



Hilo Speaker 5

The core of the design of this product which is made of Ash wood is based on the design Kelly Durango & Mauricio Sanin. The evolution of the shape remarks the embodiment of the idea in reshaping the interaction of the user and the product.


Comprehension in Hand

Hilo Speaker 1

The Hilo Speaker needs us to comprehend and be nearer to the question by having us to utilize our hands and not just control the speaker from our telephone.

Hilo Speaker 2

Rather than changing the volume from the gadget, the volume is controlled by raising a handle at the highest point of the speaker. By doing this, clients control the mood and environment made by the music.


It’s all in the Flow

Hilo Speaker 4

It is not a speaker that revolutionizes the world of sound or has the latest technology component, it is a simple and nostalgic form loaded with symbolism that invites us to interact in an intuitive way with the volume, to leave it at the exact point where our ears can enjoy the sound.

[vimeo 263080960 w=640 h=360]

Richard Leon Percival

Richard Leon Percival

Total posts created: 1506

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